GIS20 GIS Coverages Defining Konza Elevations


Short name: 



These data depict the elevation features of Konza Prairie. Record type 1 is a 2 meter resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of Konza Prairie, generated from 2006 LiDAR DEM data collected to standard USGS specifications (GIS200). Record type 3 is a 2010 10 meter (1/3 arc second) resolution National Elevation Dataset (NED) DEM of Konza Prairie (GIS202). Record type 4 is a 10 meter resolution NED DEM of Konza Prairie with a modified 3 kilometer buffer (GIS203). Record type 5 is a USGS topographic map of Konza Prairie (GIS204).

These data are available to download as zipped shapefiles (.zip), compressed Google Earth KML layers (.kmz), and associated EML metadata (.xml).

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal

Citation Suggestion: 

Ratajczak, Z. . 2023. GIS20 GIS Coverages Defining Konza Elevations . Environmental Data Initiative.

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 


Data sources: 

GIS200 2m LIDAR DEM: This raster shows elevation by meter in 2 meter cells. The data used to generate this raster was originally from 2010 LiDAR DEM data collected to standard USGS specifications. The Kansas Data Access and Support Center (DASC) completed the DEM mosaic and interpolation into 2 meter cells. Data and metadata derived from DASC,

GIS201 Konza Prairie 2m LIDAR DEM.

GIS202 10m LIDAR DEM: Konza Prairie Biological Station 10-m LIDAR DEM

GIS203 10m LIDAR with 3km buffer: Konza Prairie Biological Station 10-m LIDAR DEM, buffered with a modified three kilometer buffer.

GIS204 Konza Prairie USGS Topographic Map: This topographic DRG is supplied by the USGS and provides topological information about the Konza Prairie Biological Station. The Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a US Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map that includes all collar information (e.g., legend, scale bar, index map, etc.) The DRGE is a non-proprietary product of a USGS DRG in which the map collar information has been removed.






  • GIS

Konza Keywords: 

GIS Keywords (only GIS): 


Date Range: 

Saturday, July 1, 2006 to Thursday, October 24, 2019

Publication Date: 

Friday, January 20, 2023