Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecTypePhysical quantityRecord type
cliff_numPhysical quantityThe call number of the cliff survey location
surface_weatheringPhysical quantityThe amount of cliff face surface that is occupied by surface pitting
Frac_space_1Physical quantityThe distance between one set of fractures. Frac_space_1 is roughly perpiduclar to Frac_space_2. Each fracture space entry is a pair measured at the same location
Frac_space_2Physical quantityThe distance between one set of fractures
Orientation_1Physical quantityThe azimuth direction that the rock fracture (Frac_Space_1) is orientented in.
Orientation_2Physical quantityThe azimuth direction that the rock fracture (Frac_Space_2) is orientented in.
latitudePhysical quantitylatitute of slope survey transect head
longitutePhysical quantitylongitude of slope transect head
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