Please select what columns you would like to include.
DataCodeNominalDataset Code.
RecTypeRecTypeNominalRecord type.
IDPhysical quantityUnique Seedling ID for each seedling.
LatitudePhysical quantityLatitude for each seedling.
LongitudePhysical quantityLongitude for each seedling.
WatershedNominalWatershed location for seedlings, N4A has bison. 4A does not have bison.
SizeNominalSapling or Seedling
HeightPhysical quantityHeight of seedling or sapling
ChangerNominalchanger in the seedling or sapling from animal disturbance.
MortalityCode listmortality of seedling and saplings marked with 1 for alive 0 for death.
BrowsedCode listindicates whether a seedling or sapling displayed any signs of browse.
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